Mental Health Awareness

This Mental Health Awareness Workshop is tailored for adults in Workplaces, Schools, and communities, or who want to support other Adults.
In addition to recognising signs of depressions, anxiety, and substance misuse, attendees will learn effective self-care strategies to manage their own well-being.
Learn about the signs and symptoms of common mental health illnesses in adults, how to provide initial help, where and how to get professional help, what sort of help has been shown by research to be effective, and how to provide first aid in a crisis.
This program aims to foster a healthy and balanced approach to mental health among adults and reduce stigma.

Half Day Face-to-face
Full Day Face-to-Face
Rural Communities -
no accommodation costs rather fuel cost only.
Breakdown Stigma
Supporting Someone with Mental Health Challenges
Recognising Emerging Signs of Mental Health
Depression, Anxiety, Substance Disorder
How to Have a Conversation
Resources and Lifestyle
Topics Covered:

Delivery Options:
Who Should Attend?
Mental health awareness programs are vital for anyone curious about mental well-being, individuals currently supporting someone with mental health challenges, or those seeking to understand their own mental health better. They provide knowledge and tools for self-care and fostering a compassionate, informed community.

What are the Benefits?

Breakdown Stigma: Addressing stigma surrounding mental health fosters a more inclusive and empathetic society. It encourages individuals to seek help without fear of judgment.
Supporting Someone with Mental Health Challenges: Learning how to support friends or family members with mental health issues enhances their recovery journey and strengthens relationships. It reduces feelings of isolation.
Recognising Emerging Signs of Mental Health: Being able to identify early signs of mental health challenges allows for timely intervention and a better prognosis. Early recognition can prevent crises.
Depression, Anxiety, Substance Disorders: Understanding different mental health conditions equips individuals to recognize and address them appropriately. It reduces misconceptions and promotes early intervention.
How to Have a Conversation: Effective communication is essential in providing emotional support. Learning how to initiate conversations and offer help is a valuable life skill.
Resources and Lifestyle: Learning about available resources and adopting a healthy lifestyle can improve mental well-being. It empowers individuals to take proactive steps for self-care.

Half Day $1,200
Full Day $2,300